Long Live the King!

Psalm 72:1-2

Long live the King! And He does live. He is risen, He is risen indeed! And He is endowed with justice, with righteousness. He is the Righteous One. He will judge the living and the dead.

He will judge the people in righteousness. They will have His righteousness or they will not be righteousness. They will not have it by works, but through faith—all gift. They will not have it because they deserve it, but precisely because they don’t—He came to save sinners. The afflicted will be judged, and they will be judged righteous, because the Just Judge is Justice Himself and has become sin to make us the righteousness of God.

Long live the King. And He does live! He lives, as He was born, and as He died, for us. Condemned as the worst of sinners, He is our innocence. For our acquittal, He Himself suffered affliction, rising with absolution on His lips.

Long live the King, because in Him we live, because in Him we are righteous.

Wade Johnston

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